Manage the side effects of cancer

Manage the side effects of cancer

Manage the side effects of cancer


Supportive Care

Cope with cancer with our supportive care

Whether it is facing the diagnosis, the challenges of treatment or continued anxieties about a recurrence, cancer patients' may undergo psychological and physical stressors that can be difficult to handle. At Esperance, we understand that cancer care goes well beyond medicine and therapies. That is why we are committed to providing patients with detailed nutrition consultation, effective pain management and psycho-social support services, for patients and their families. When appropriately addressed it leads to improved immune function, decrease in muscle loss and improves overall patient outcomes. Our multidisciplinary team of professionals recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. We are dedicated to helping patients and families with many types of cancer-related stress  and challenges that occur during the cancer continumum of care. Learn more about our array of supportive care services and start navigating from treatment to recovery.



Personalized diet plans and consultations to endorse healthy eating habits prior, during and after cancer treatments.

Pain Management

A variety of ways to help manage and relieve cancer pain, including treatments and medical therapies.

Psychological Support

Psychological care, from stress management to support groups, to help patients feel more relaxed and in control during treatments.


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